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Biology Heated Shaker Project

Biology Heated Shaker Project

21 Supporters
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The biology department would like to raise money to purchase four heated shakers; two for each campus. Heated shakers will allow for accurate growth calculations of microorganisms and human cells. To accurately determine the growth rate of bacteria the cells would need to be kept in suspension for up to 72 hours at a time. Currently, SJNY only has the capacity to do this a single beaker at a time using some ingenuity with our incubators and bench-top shakers. This makes obtaining accurate data difficult and makes performing experiments in triplicates impossible.

Donations support

The addition of heated shakers would improve our current lab offerings. The microbiology labs run by Dr. Michael Hanophy and Dr. Igor Ivanovski prepare students to accurately record microbial growth and monitor their physiology. The heated shakers would give microbiology students a more accurate representation of the discipline. Please make your gift today and help us reach our goal!

Personal Message

Thank you for supporting the SJNY Biology department and enhancing the student experience.

How you can help

Multiple incubators would add robustness to the exploration of samples. We would like to monitor degradation of volatile compounds and require a separate shaker. These heated shakers would allow us to work with several organisms concurrently.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $50.0

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  • - $250.0

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  • - $50.0